So, how are you all holding up? Have you done projects in your house? Are you going crazy trying to work and teach and clean and be all things to everyone? Or are you bored? Can't motivate yourself, no projects, and a little down in the dumps? Or in a panic, worried abut money and bills and hoarding all of the things? Are you in different stages each day? It's tough to balance and comprehend our current lifestyle on this daily roller coaster.
No matter where you are in this quarantine state, you have got to make time for yourself. You are no good to anyone without self care. At the nail table, we always share new products and routines that we use, recipes we have made, and restaurants we are going to. It has been a month now that we have not shared! So in my effort to share some of my favorites, and still have my clients help support my business, I am posting some of my favorite things that are on Amazon. *
Hair... I cannot wait to get my hair done! Eva and I use this amazing hair brush blow dryer that shortens dry time, gives lots of smooth body, and tames the frizz. I know I have not been doing my hair daily, but when I have got it together and get it done, I get more accomplished! Feel good, look good is a true statement.
Skin: I actually am getting a farmers tan! Our nice weather lately has me enjoying time out on the deck. I did have to bust out my favorite sunscreen stick last week. It smells so good, I just want to go to the beach! My skin is so sensitive, this is one of the few sunscreen lotions I can use. Plus Sun Bum is an awesome company, with moisturizing products that are vegan and environmentally friendly!
Meditation is key to my self care, and I am a big believer in essential oils. But I ONLY diffuse them, and use ones from companies I trust. This set of three oils is a great start to help with stress and anxiety. I often start and end my day with them, and the family benefits as well without even knowing it.

So please take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, so you can give an hand to help others. If you need any hand and nail advice, I am just a text away. 919-526-0335
*I do make a small commission from any purchases from these links.