So let's discuss how to communicate with me at Lush Nail Lounge. (Yes, there has been some confusion.)

1. Please save the salon cell phone number in your phone! 919-526-0335 This is the only number I have access to during business hours. Reminders come from my scheduling service which are ghost numbers. I have no idea what happens when you call them.
2. The salon phone number MUST be called or texted for appointments, changes, cancellations or any other inquiries. I will reply within 24 hours, but I do not answer the phone when I have a guest in front of me. Leave a voicemail or text, please!
3. I only respond during BUSINESS HOURS, not at 7 am or 11 pm. The studio is closed Thursdays and Sundays.
5. Social media messages and comments are almost never checked. Most professionals (doctors, dentists, executives
Business Hours
Mon 9-4
Tues & Wed 9-7
Fri & Sat 9-4